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Situation of Diosmin in EU

Diosmin was introduced into Europe early in the 19th century as both a diuretic and urinary antiseptic. Since then Diosmin has been used for more than 40 years in Europe and has proven indication for :

* Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI)
* Varicose Veins
* Heavy leg syndrome
* Edema, swelling
* Vascular and premenstrual mastodynia
* Capillary fragility
* Hemorrhoids and hemorrhoid crisis
* Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Nowadays Diosmin is currently a prescription medication in some European countries since the first-class brand name Daflon has been launched since 1971. Anyway,more and more European companies have introduced their formulation with Diosmin as a dietary supplement. Then people can easily get it at a lower cost than a prescription medication.

What is DAFLON ?

DAFLON, Micronized, Purified Flavonoid Fraction (MPFF), is a semisynthetic phlebotropic drug whose active ingredients are micronized diosmin (90%) and hesperidin (10%). Hesperidin is extracted from a species of Rutaceae aurantieae of the citrus genus, a type of immature small orange harvested and dried in Spain, North Africa, and China. Diosmin, a member of the flavonoid family, is synthesized starting from this raw material. DAFLON is an oral phlebotropic drug indicated in the treatment of venous disease, i.e, chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) and haemorrhoidal disease (HD).

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